Building Management System Benefits

Owners of commercial buildings know the importance of having a smooth-running infrastructure. System failures can result in slowing down or ceasing production, which of course affects client and employee relationships and profit. Knowing the benefits of building automation systems allows you to understand why a building management control system is vital to the success of your business. Learn how you can avoid shutdowns and other systemic problems in your infrastructure and reap the advantages of management system technology with a building automation system:

1. Increased Value

By employing intelligent building systems management, you not only increase the value of your business but also your property value. Real estate that contains a building automation system is always valued more than a structure without one.

2. Decreased Operating Costs, Enhanced Systems Performance

A building management control system provides sustainable energy management and actionable conservation. You will see a noticeable reduction in energy usage and waste will virtually be eliminated, plus the performance of all systems will be maximized. These valuable advantages of management system efficiency will save your company precious time and money.

3. Advanced Tools

The benefits of building automation systems provide advanced tools and techniques that enhance your building’s security system. It allows for enhanced protection of your property, business resources, assets and IT data, plus building inhabitants will be much more secure than before. Your system will help to deter criminal activity, damage to your property, plus protect against employee theft and tampering.

4. Improved Security

Your building’s elevator access control system will curb access to specific floors and areas within your building that are deemed restricted by your management staff. Your system also allows you to steer transient traffic in your building, and protects against security breaches. Access control management also employs time and day scheduling restrictions, allowing access only to authorized personnel. Plus, access control software records and stores data of all activity taking place within your building and also on your property grounds.

5. Total Control

Other benefits of building automation systems include advanced products and technologies that are a part of your security system. Surveillance and intrusion detection technologies use: RFID scanners, digital video surveillance, CCTV, biometric scans, lighting control, access card readers, and smoke and toxic gas detection devices. Your security system is customized to meet all safety requirements, and your property is assessed to identify vulnerabilities and breaches. One of the best advantages of management system technology is having peace of mind knowing that your property is thoroughly secured.

6. Energy Savings

Your building’s lighting consumes a large amount of energy, and much of it is wasted on areas that are not occupied. Your company can enjoy a savings of up to 30 percent on annual lighting costs when you employ an automated lighting system. Your system incorporates a sophisticated network of occupancy controls, scheduling devices and sensors that automatically shut down lighting in areas that are unoccupied. Scheduling can consist of times of day or night, and also include areas outside your building, such as: exits, ramps, walkways, parking lots and garages, loading docks etc.

Your company can take advantage of all the benefits of building automation systems, with a decrease in operating costs and an increase in energy efficiency and security.

This entry was posted on May 23, 2020 by Admin

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