signode testimonial

We have been working together with USA warehouse project for making panels. we are very happy that the way stability team have been done the job for us.

The Team always displays we can do attitude, which is a positive strength..

signode testimonial
Dr reddy testimonial

Engineers having good technical knowledge.

Good service & support in critical times.

suguna logo testimonial
toshibha logo testimonial

Solution & suggestions for customer requirements are very good and services also very prompt.

Stability Automation is a good company good coordination and support.We got good response for all types of AUTOMATION & Electrical Part. we notice that Stability Automation is having Good Knowledge in AUTOMATION and on-time Delivery you have given. Thanks for being a Part of REITZ India.

reitz logo testimonial
monsanto testimonial

The team is very knowledgeable and highly committed on solving PLC and  Drive issues.

Fast response and reliable and good support whenever required in 24×7.

Having good knowledge on industrial automation & good in-service support.

mahindra testimonial
mahindra testimonial

Good support for Paint shop 5 conveyors synchronization and Good Support During Paint shop HMI material supply and Program migration, we are looking forward to same collaboration in the future.

We used to procure of VFD’s, DC Drives and HMI’s for our requirements since long time. Having the trust on your products and dedicated services in every time.

PITTI testimonial
veljan-testimonial logo

Irrespective whether they get order they put their earnest efforts and their team is technically sound.

They provide best solutions in automation field with industrial standards.

iil-testimonial logo

Highly cooperative and worth working with them. Had finished couple of projects with Stability Automation. Experienced a very good technical support

Best service from M/s Stability Automation of all the time.
lennox clean air

Satisfied with Service and technical support is good.

I experienced best service from M/s Stability Automation of all the time. The best part is very prompt response whenever required. I also impressed!!! Technically sound Owners & staff / Engineers & good after sale support.
mahindra logo